Sensor Description

Sensor Description

Data were captured with the ProSpecTIR-VS, an imaging spectrometer, or “hyperspectral” sensor, that measures radiance in 360 narrow (~5 nanometer) wavelengths ranging from 400 to 2450 nanometers, at 5 meter spatial resolution. The sensor is flown on a fixed wing aircraft at approximately 4100m altitude, and incorporates Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) with fiber optic gyros on micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) based angular rate sensor and MEMS-based accelerometers to provide for accurate geogreferencing of the data. The Inertial Measurement Unit is coupled with a 12-channel GPS system that utilizes Ominstar realtime differential correction to feed the tightly coupled Kalman filter of the INS.


See specifications for more information.