Data Portal Name:
Airborne Imagery (and derived data products: land cover, surface albedo, foliar nitrogen concentration)
Data Type:
Imagery (raster)
Spatial Extent:
Bartlett Experimental Forest
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
Lamprey River Watershed
Conway, NH
Oak Hill, Hanover, NH
Dover, NH
Moore Fields, Durham, NH
Thompson Farm, Durham, NH
Spatial Resolution:
5 meters
Spectral Resolution:
5 nm
Spectral Range:
Number of Bands:
Temporal Resolution(s):
Variable throughout the year: Single image collections during Summer 2012; Winter 2013
Variables / Parameters / Indicators / Outputs / Units:
Radiance [mW/(cm 2*steradian*nm)], reflectance [unitless], georegistration
Anticipated Date Range:
Image acquisitions completed on 08/04/12 - 08/07/12 and 02/22/2013, 03/09/2013
UTM Zone 19 / WGS-84